
Why Economic Development is preferred over Economic Growth

  Why Economic Development is preferred over Economic Growth: Economic development is when there is an improvement in the quality of life, living standards, better literacy rates, better health facilities and so on. Not only economic growth is only related to improvement in the national income or national output. Since economic growth is narrow and economic development is a broader term, economic development is preferred over economic growth. Developed countries are more economically developed compared to developing countries. The literary rate, health facilities, living standards in the developed countries are much higher compared to a developing country. For example, Canada is a developed country and Afghanistan is a developing country. The standards of living and living style , and quality of life, in Canada   much better compared to those in Afghanistan. People in Canada are much more literate in Canada compared to those in Afghanistan. Thus developed countries are eco...

Shed light on role of Globalization in the spread of COVID 19 (Corona Virus) with examples

  Covid-19 has become a global pandemic during this pandemic every country suffered. Globalization has caused larger independence trade with different countries, In this case, factory and production are closed that’s why un-employment increase people are un-employed those who already doing the job poverty are also in increase. When production was freeze so economy was also down and no development this pandemic because import and export are also bot allowed by government for safety purpose. And tourism industry is also effected, tourism is very important role play for any country economy and development because through tourism government generate revenue and this revenue expense country development, Inflation is also increase during this pandemic and so on many reason behind that effected globalization during this pandemic.

Depression Mood

  Depressed Mood 1.Highlight the symptoms of the problem             Ans: Depression is low your Motivation . A person who is depressed usually experiences several of the following symptoms: feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or pessimism; lowered self-esteem and heightened self-depreciation; a decrease or loss of ability to take pleasure in ordinary activities; reduced energy and vitality; slowness of thought or action; loss of  appetite ; and disturbed  sleep . 2. Identify and define the specific problem that can be explored or investigated.   Ans:   For example, depressive episodes resulting from work-related stress can impact vocational performance by ‘presentism’ (reduced work productivity while present at work) due to decreased concentration, reduced motivation, and decision errors, as well as ‘absenteeism’ (lost productivity from absence, e.g. non-attendant workdays, arriving late or leavi...

Pakistan is one of the exporters of mangoes. Jessica Corporation is a leading exporter of mangoes produced in the region. A regular customer in Turkey usually orders a large number of mangoes from Pakistan. Jessica Corporation has received an inquiry from the same client in Turkey. Which incoterm will Jessica Corporation be settling with the buyer? Justify your incoterm selection. (Note: Select only one incoterm that you think is the most appropriate. Mention the concerns of various stakeholders while discussing that incoterm)

 SOLVE CASE STUDY:- Incoterms are  regulations  and  rules   observed   through   sellers  and  buyers   while  doing a  commercial enterprise  deal. They are  11   worldwide   policies . Now in given scenario, the  insurance  intercom  can be   the largest   situation  of Jessica Corporation,  it's miles   due to the fact  Pakistan and Turkey are at  a few   large  distance of  round  3200km and there are  possibilities   that in  shipment,  a few  mangoes get  damaged  so  it's miles   vital  to  don't forget   insurance  of trade . CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight): CIF is that the only  that  the seller  give  the products   as shortly  that are it should be  grocery, cleared for export, degree   properly   saved  on ...

Sustainability and ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems are helping companies track their energy consumption. Elucidate as to how supply chain sustainability is important for the company’s bottom line

  SOLVE CASE STUDY:- Ans No 01 :- Supply chains sustainability is about creating a long-term valuable relationship for the stakeholders of an organisation, hence the improvement in the bottom line is through sustainability, also comes logistically . Supply chain sustainability  turns into  a  risk - praise  consideration, basically Enterprise  resource  planning (ERP)  software program  standardizes, streamlines and integrates  enterprise   procedures   throughout  finance, human resources, procurement, distribution and  different  departments. Here's what you  want  to  recognize   approximately   those  key (IT) systems, In the ERPs, all  clients   perform   at the   identical and same  code base work and  haven't any   get right of entry to the  supply  code. Users can configure  however   now no longer   customize ...