
Showing posts from November 3, 2021

What French President Say About Civilization?

 French President said:  "With a family that has seven, eight children in Africa, even if you invest billions, nothing will change, because the challenge of Africa is civilizational". "Africans do not need your debauchery civilization. Because with your civilization: a man can sleep with a man; a woman can sleep with a woman; a single president can have two mistresses at a time; a woman can sleep with her dog; a child can insult his father and mother without problem; a child can imprison his parents."* "With your civilization, when parents are getting older, they are taken to the retirement home, and finally, with your civilization, a young man can live with a woman who is his mother's age or his grandma without problem. Your case is a perfect illustration! Africans have no civilization lesson to receive from people like you! Africa is by far the richest continent in the world with its enormous mineral wealth. What is delaying this continent is the large-sc...