
Showing posts with the label What is Freelancer?

What is Freelancer?

Introduction:- Freelancer is Non-Profit Organization, That they Don't provide financial benefit for their members or stakeholder. in Other words they are privately incorporated groups with a charitable purpose of not profiting from the activities the Carry. In this business the manager play a role only leadership. They motivate our group members and guideline provide. Link Of The Organization:- HTTP:// Freelancer:- Freelancer is an online job marketplace that provides a mean for employees and freelancer around the Globe to collaborate for mutual benefit. Individual or business is need of skilled help for short or long-term projects can post those projects and allow to submits bids for the completion of the work. For the employee and services buyer, Freelancer provides immediate access of thousand of independent contracts with specific Skills, without need to place job ads and investment or provide work space, insurance etc. For the freelancer or...