
Role of transportation in Supply Chain Management

    Transportation play very important role in supply chain management & choosing best route. Transportation in supply chain to help move inventory and route are choosing its help to take decision. Transportation is main important driver of Supply Chain Management. Any supply chain success using appropriate transportation, effective transportation like Ikea transportation.    The various role of transportation involve in supply chain management like, Move goods and material from one place to another place and supply material successfully for final destination, And its not necessary you have your own vehicle, you outsource material. Basically four types of vehicle, 1. Common Carriers(This early common carrier like, bus air ship without discrimination) 2. Contract carrier (This carrier have specific route and specific time fixed and contract also done with any organization) 3. Exempt Carrier( There are different ways to move animal in worldwide as compare men, Bu...

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Prisoner Of Zenda (Novel) Character & Summary

                                    PRISONER OF ZENDA The King:- Rudolph V of Ruritania is the king-to-be of the nation of Ruritania. He is awaiting coronation and is engaged to be married, but on the eve of the ceremony to crown him king, he is drugged and kidnapped in an effort to usurp his throne. Michael:- A duke and the younger half-brother of the king, Michael is the mastermind behind the plot to overthrow the king. He wants the throne for himself and takes steps to ensure his brother is out of the picture by kidnapping him and locking him away in the distant town of Zenda. Antoinette de Mauban:- Antoinette is the duke's mistress. She knows of the plot to overthrow the king but does not wish it to happen; she stirs a plot of her own to prevent Michael from being crowned king. Count Rupert of Hentzau:- Rupert is a handsome young count and accomplice in the plot...

Parents Should Not Give Too Much Freedom to their Children?

Brain Storming:-                                     ·       Children are Immature. ·       Children get as much as they deserve ·       Not be overprotective ·       Don’t Get addicted because of wrong friends ·       Do not involve illegal activity ·       Children need less freedom ·       This Depends On How Much Freedom. ·       They React against the Parents If get freedom ·       Few Rules and society Barrier ·       To maintain Displain ·       To maintain Family environment. ·       Kidnappi...