Parents Should Not Give Too Much Freedom to their Children?
Brain Storming:-
Children are Immature.
Children get as much as they deserve
Not be overprotective
Don’t Get addicted because of wrong friends
Do not involve illegal activity
Children need less freedom
This Depends On How Much Freedom.
They React against the Parents If get freedom
Few Rules and society Barrier
To maintain Displain
To maintain Family environment.
Kidnapping Chances.
Have problems with Drugs and Alcohol.
Get in trouble with Law
Parents Struggle with Anxiety and depression.
There is a Risk of making a mistake.
Loss focus in Classwork if get Freedom.
Loss Carrier.
Destroy our Life.
Too much freedom is not good thing.
Raising their voice with parents.
· Careless and will not care about time.
1. Loss Carrier:……
Not care about time.
Low Focus in Class
work & participation.
To maintain Dis-plain.
2. There is a Risk of making a
Having problem
with drug and Alcohol.
Raising their voice with parents.
Struggle with Anxiety and depression…..
Because of her
child Loss Carrier.
Child Destroy our
When children are immature.
Parents Should Not Give Too Much Freedom to their Childern:-
As a Children if he spend more time outside and
parents are often afraid that into bad activity. Because they don’t know what
they right and wrong what they good or bad. Because immature child don’t be
able to judge what is good for him or what is disadvantagebale for him. And
this possibility that his friend will be trying to convince that to do drugs.
And try to do with his friend those activity that destroy family environment
stability and then parents struggle with Anxiety and depression because of her child
loss our Carrier. If once time he pick and adopt drug and he time to time
addict to drug then he will be unable to judge what he say he don’t focus on
our words he will be unable to find out where he stand on his front and then
Raising voice with parents. And his unable to satisfied our decision. And this
type of children unable to grow and make a carrier. When child is unable to
share with parents what is going on his life, about his friend about his
activity. This time is very critical to child and his parents and worried
situation because both spend life in depression and struggle on his life. If
once he adopt the bad activity he will be make a habit on his life, then he go
to the cinema parties, and other bad and illegal activity, but not telling his
parents and he try to privacy create and protect it. And most important source
to merge and linked with bad activity is the Social Media. Yes! Social media is
biggest platform to involve with illegal activity but its depend on user how to
use. Because of the social media is most popular way of communication. Social
media usage adopt and attract to child sexual activity, crime activity and so
on. Immature child are not illegible what type of information is shared.
By using this thing like, internet outdoor activity.
Child will not be maintaining displain. By usage of internet every time child
low focus on our Class work and class participation. Not Be able to manage our
time and do our work own time. And then he slowly loss our carrier.
There is a high chances of risk if immature child is
spend more time outdoor there is a chance to kidnapping the child and then
parents in maximum cases will loss child life and also money. And other cases
child involves in drug addiction due to low focus on child his parents. And
drug person don’t concern what they tell good or bad and raising their voice
with children.
When parents know about her children activity its too
late and loss maximum thing and situation has not in the hand of parents, then
parents struggle with anxiety and depression. Because this all activity is
against the society norms and rules that’s why parents is very worried about
his child future, that’s why too much freedom is not good thing.
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