
Environmental issues in Pakistan

Environmental issues in  Pakistan  include  deforestation ,  air pollution ,  water pollution ,  noise pollution ,  climate change , pesticide misuse,  soil erosion ,  natural disasters  and  desertification . [1]  These are serious environmental problems that Pakistan is facing, and they are getting worse as the country's economy expands and the population grows. Little is being done to tackle these issues, because the goals of economic growth and tackling terrorism within the country supersede the goals of environmental preservation. Although NGOs and government departments have taken initiatives to stop environmental degradation, Pakistan's environmental issues still remain. Pollution:- The World Bank report in 2013 stated that Pakistan's top environmental issues include air pollution, inadequate supply of uncontaminated drinking water, noise pollution and the health deterioration of urban and rural populations due to...

What is Freelancer?

Introduction:- Freelancer is Non-Profit Organization, That they Don't provide financial benefit for their members or stakeholder. in Other words they are privately incorporated groups with a charitable purpose of not profiting from the activities the Carry. In this business the manager play a role only leadership. They motivate our group members and guideline provide. Link Of The Organization:- HTTP:// Freelancer:- Freelancer is an online job marketplace that provides a mean for employees and freelancer around the Globe to collaborate for mutual benefit. Individual or business is need of skilled help for short or long-term projects can post those projects and allow to submits bids for the completion of the work. For the employee and services buyer, Freelancer provides immediate access of thousand of independent contracts with specific Skills, without need to place job ads and investment or provide work space, insurance etc. For the freelancer or...

Problem of Education sector In pakistan

Introduction:-  It is mandated with the constitution of Asian nation to produce and mandatory education to free or any of all younger between the ages 5-6 year and enhance adult skill.With the 198th constitutional change the comprised of forty seventh subject were abolished and these subject as well as transfer to education sector. Education System? Education system is that all institution are involved to deliver formal and better education with good infrastructure either its (profit-non profit).The rules are also make that guide the individual and attract students.And Government ministries and regulatory bodies provide facilities student physical infrastructure resources rules and regulation and textbook provide those student are not able to buy. Education System of Pakistan:- The education system of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 establishments and is facilitating forty one,018,384 students with the assistance of one,535,461 academics. T...


TRAMS:- Trams (street cars in the  USA) were first developed in the late nineteenth century.Trams is a passenger vehicle powered by electricity connect by overhead cables, and running on rails laid in a public road. Trams is streetcar or trolley. The First Trams network appeared in US(New York in 1832). They provided cheap and convenient mass transport in many cities. Rail-based system were expensive to maintain. Fixed Tracked mean that system was inflexible. During the 1950s-1960s, many European and Asian cities closed tramp system. Today trams are becoming popular again.In most countries houses will packed and close people go the jobs and shops through walk,when introduced trams by 1900 mostly people traveled with Trams.Some cities (e.g Paris and Manchester) are building new system.trams are less polluting then cars and other vehicle and cheap to operate.problem remain with construction costs and traffic congestion were blocking tracks, because trams is  a...

Introduction About Bill Gates

Bill Gates(Co-Founder Of Microsoft in 1975) BILL GATES:- Bill Gates Is the Founder of Microsoft. Bill Gates was born 28/Oct/1955.Bill Gates Was the second child of the middle-class Seattle family.In 1698 When Bill Gates at the age of 13, he became and take a interest in writing Computer programs. Bill Gates go the school his friend in 1975 and bill Gates then starting a programming business called Micro-Soft. In 1980 IBM asked to write an operating system( called MS-DOS) for Its new PC. Microsoft launched windows operating system in 1985.And Bill Gates Become a Richest man In the world In 1995. Bill Gates is also kind hearted, Because he stepped down from working at Microsoft to focus on his charitable foundation in 2006. And nowadays everyone to know Bill Gates.