Problem of Education sector In pakistan


It is mandated with the constitution of Asian nation to produce and mandatory education to free or any of all younger between the ages 5-6 year and enhance adult skill.With the 198th constitutional change the comprised of forty seventh subject were abolished and these subject as well as transfer to education sector.

Education System?

Education system is that all institution are involved to deliver formal and better education with good infrastructure either its (profit-non profit).The rules are also make that guide the individual and attract students.And Government ministries and regulatory bodies provide facilities student physical infrastructure resources rules and regulation and textbook provide those student are not able to buy.

Education System of Pakistan:-

The education system of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is comprised of 260,903 establishments and is facilitating forty one,018,384 students with the assistance of one,535,461 academics. The system includes a hundred and eighty,846 public establishments and eighty,057 non-public establishments. thence thirty first academic institutes are go by non-public sector whereas sixty nine are public institutes.


The problems which are faces to the education sector to the development of education system and promotion of illiteracy,Nowadays The education sector purpose just to earn profit not the focus of better high level education provide with Low cost.

1. Lack Of Good planing:-

Pakistan Education System Faces Financial management issues and lack to achieve the EFA goals means Education for all.Because Pakistan will not focus and compete to the international standards thats why Pakistan institution will not come on the international ranking of education.

2.Social Problems:-

Pakistan is also face social problem like religion gap,and poor parents do not send their children to school because they do not have that money to give the fess thats why he take a help for their children and send to the job thats also a resewn to increase child labor. The second thing in our society School differential for poor people and school differential for rich people because he can not be able to afford fees thats create social status poor-rich and then society face social problem.

3.Gender Gap:-

Most factor that enrolement rates of girls include poverty,Gender gap, illiteracy of parents, parents concern about safety of their daughter. Society emphasis on girls and thinking about females protection and do early marriages.Minimum parents few parents are understand and willingness to send them to school some of them want to send to school but not able because lack of money and the urban side is also not send to school girls,thats shows the gender gap is important.

4.Terrorism problem:-

Pakistan faces a war against terrorism its also affected to provide education promotion and illiteracy campaign. The Terrorist targeted school,students and teacher because terrorist not want to Muslim get education and develop our country.Terrorist several education institution were destroy him.Many teachers student were killed on Baluchistan, KPK,and FATA,the biggest example of Pakistan history of tragedy is ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL attack.This factor thats is also important.

5.Shortage of Funds:-

Islamic Republic of Pakistan spends a pair of.4% GDP on education. At national level, eighty nine education expenditure includes of current expenses like teachers’ salaries, whereas solely 11 November includes of development expenditure that isn't sufficient to lift quality of education.


The reforms needed within the education system of West Pakistan can not be done by the govt. alone, public-private participation and a mixture of formal furthermore as non-formal education will pull out majority of country’s population from illiteracy. Similarly, to form the youth of the country Associate in Nursing plus, attention ought to even be paid to line of work and technical coaching.


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