During Covid-19 situation of Development


During Covid-19 situation of Development :-


Introduction: 3

Main body: 3

COVID-19 Case: 3

Steps Taken by Government to Save Life’s: 4

Achievements: 4

Role of Globalization: 4

Effect of Covid-19 in South Africa: 5

Approaches Used for Encountering Covid-19: 5

Key Lessons by Covid-19: 6

Recommendation: 7

Conclusion: 7

References: 9





The world is evolving with many advancements in technology and globalization. Decades before this, the growth rate of the world was minimal just because of less communication and exchange of knowledge between the countries n people. However, things had changed drastically in the favor of the people. According to the Thomas Brown (2015), world had become one global village with respect to medical, business, engineering. Moreover, e commerce had also evolved in recent years.
However, there are always Consequences of everything. According to the CNBC newspaper 2019, Coronavirus as in COVID-19 had struck the world first time in the state of Wuhan, China. The world had faced the global Pandemic since then.

The major Purpose of this research Article is to identify the consequences globalization had produced for the world due to COVID-19. Moreover, discuss the measures and all the necessity actions taken by the South Africa to counter this virus. Since, South Africa's major part is the underdeveloped and COVID-19 hitted them hard. This research article would highlight all the major Economic crisis, Lockdown situation and the lesson world would learn from South Africa Government in the situation of COVID-19 would discuss.

Keywords: COVID-19, Economic Crisis, Pandemic, Globalization

1.      Covid-19: A virus that originated in Wuhan, China mainly comes from the Bat Blood spreads all over the world.

2.      Economic Crisis: The Term refers to as Recession and Depression of any country economy. Major reason behind Crisis rises in the unemployment rate.

3.      Pandemic: A global epidemic it affecting the vast area of the world. Especially crossing the international boundaries.

4.      Globalization: it is the process where countries had influence of their actions over others. Mainly being said when organizations, people and knowledge being shared all over the world.

Main body:

COVID-19 Case:

The first case registered of covid-19 in South Africa on 5 march 2020 while only in 10 days infected cases ratio goes up 61 percent during 5 to 15 march  then president Caril Ramaphaso declared national state of disaster announced bans on extra activities  and managing with the pandemic and  also government took immediately actions by making inter-ministerial committees for managing from covid-19 in which national command  and council members were included then till 23 march 2020 infected cases had increased 274 to 402 after that president announced 21 days national lockdown moreover till 16 April infected cases recoded jump to 2,506 as well as 34 deaths in this dangerous condition no of committees  were made for cope up with virus after covid-19 has effected various sectors such as economic, health, environment, and technological.

Steps Taken by Government to Save Life’s:

South African government took slowly steps for saving the people life’s from covid-19 the first step was taken to searching of that people those have infect by pandemic by hard working on increasing testing capacity in stage 2 president announced banning on international flights and closing schools, restrictions on gathering and promoting social gathering by awareness after that president made high level of advisory committee on 51 members clinical, virologist,

Epidemiologist and public health practitioners. In step 3 in which initiated for 33 days deployed more than 28,000 community health workers they found 11,114,600 people almost 20% of the papulation of covid-19 that's way they used mobile application for cope up with the epidemic by hots pot.


Achievements of South Africa in covid-19 pandemic the first success is using  technology in identify Covid positive patients after taking this initiative  South Africa started control on the spreading virus in the country then before this virus people didn't know how to earn money by              ( INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ) and how it is used technology in the daily life according to estimation of South African government approximately 5 % papulation of the south Africa have come on the freelancing platform  for earning online money  as well as online learning through number of offers freelancing courses by  develop countries as well as other platforms .

Every government had to face tough circumstances in Corona virus specially economically in this pandemic 18 % unemployment had increase in the south Africa because government enforced many strict rules for saving the people life’s  by epidemic that's way government had to face cutting budget approximately $9.6 billion while $29.9 billion gave the packages of the small enterprise as well as poor households people for fulfilling  the basic necessities  such for eating food , paying utility bills and school fees moreover government had to face $ 18.2 billion losses in GDP therefore according world economic forum report that inflation will more increase as well as in next year economy will face -1 growth rate.

Role of Globalization:

Globalization has been increasing since 20 century in the world but specially in COVID-19 environment in South Africa it had increased more than previous years while education sector has top of the list in globalization developing countries has low resources that's way people don't prefer to online education but in this pandemic students were facing enigmatic issues therefore they forward to online platforms this system is increasing of globalization because every students can easily attend online classes without physical appearance yet second way coming to more globalization online shopping this is beginning of the online era specifically in developing countries yet South Africa also developing nation because it's illiteracy rate, living of standard, mortality rate is low than develop countries.

Effect of Covid-19 in South Africa:

Covid 19 has affected economy of many countries and South Africa is one of them. Due to Covid 19 Africa has suffered from a huge economic loss this can be explain by following factors-

1.                  The trading activities with china, European Union, USA has lower down due to lockdown imposed in these countries and South Africa which effected the movement of goods and service across the countries.

2.                  Investment of many countries in South Africa has also declined due to Covid 19.

3.                  Due to lockdown imposed in South Africa as a preventive measure for Covid19 it results in closure of many industries and companies due to which many peoples have lost their jobs.

4.                  Decrease in productivity because of restrictions imposed on factories in South Africa.

5.                  Disruptions in financial activities in South Africa.

6.                  The GDP of South Africa has fallen by about 8% in just one year due to Covid 19.

7.                  South African government has announced many special packages during Covid 19 for the backward classes to ensure that they do not die from hunger but the sources of income of government like- taxes, revenues have declined or become almost negligible due to Covid 19 and thus contributed in a huge economic loss.

Approaches Used for Encountering Covid-19:

South Africa’s national Covid-19 response has comprised eight overlapping stages. 

Stage 1 was focused on preparing for Covid-19, including establishing testing capacity.

Stage 2 started when there were 51 cases, 10 days after the first South African patient was diagnosed. The government declared a national state of disaster, banning international travel, closing schools, restricting gatherings, and promoting social distancing and hand hygiene. A high-level advisory committee with 51 clinicians, virologists, epidemiologists, mathematical modelers, public health practitioners, and other experts is providing strategic advice to the minister of health and establishing evidence-based policy guidance.

Stage 3 consisted of the national lockdown, which is now being eased slowly. The lockdown has caused substantial economic hardship, especially among poor and vulnerable people. The contraction of the economy could have important long-term consequences. Restrictions on movement and the risk of contracting Covid-19 in health care facilities has brought major reductions in the use of health services, thereby compromising continuity of care for people with HIV, tuberculosis (TB), and chronic noncommunicable diseases.

During Stage 4 which was initiated on day 33, the government has deployed more than 28,000 community health workers to the highest-risk communities to undertake active house-to-house case finding. South Africa’s community contact-tracing teams, established for TB control, have been used for Covid-19 contact tracing and monitoring of compliance with quarantine. With the highest HIV burden in the world, the country has a network of providers, including tens of thousands of trained community health workers experienced in conducting door-to-door visits in socially vulnerable communities. This community-based response has been used to screen 11,114,600 people (almost 20% of the population) for Covid-19. A mobile-phone application is used to administer a symptom checklist, and data for each household are uploaded, along with mobile-phone location coordinates, to a central database to map screening coverage. People with Covid-19 symptoms are referred to mobile testing stations or nearby health facilities.

Stage 5 involves identification of hot spots and implementation of prevention measures in areas with localized outbreaks.

Stage 6 is focused on providing medical care, including constructing field hospitals — some in convention centers.

Stage 7 involves preparing for deaths, burials, and the mental health challenges associated with bereavement.

Stage 8 focuses on staying vigilant by engaging in case-finding activities and monitoring population immunity levels using sero surveys in preparation for subsequent epidemic waves.

Key Lessons by Covid-19:

The first lesson we can learn that every men is equal beside difference culture, religion, customs, poor and rich people because virous was effecting every man without discrimination people second lesson life is temporary one day we will gone that's way we should act as a kind and great person specially our relatives and poor people furthermore as much as possible for ourselves we should help of the people by great intentions mostly when people have in problems beside saying to help they don't say because they feel inferior complex & fears moreover we have to prepare of our self for every situation such as sad, dark days and specially disasters conditions in hot weather mostly people don't take good decisions. We shouldn't take dangerous steps when we have mental health issues as we were seeing in the environment in lockdown Many people were doing suicides because they have tired of spending more ours in the houses and also unemployment besides taking bad steps as we had so much time we could invest or devoted for improving our skills and spend more hours with our family members because usually lack of time we can't spend much time with our family  furthermore lastly It taught us to love, listen, care, respect and help but lastly most vital lesson that we learnt that don't have strong health infrastructure and technological capital disasters situations could destroy complete economy as well as life’s of people but for coming good infrastructure every nation need improvement in economic development for providing all facilities of the people and economic growth therefore developing nations need more and more reforms in the countries.


One of the important things to develop a country economy. A country make itself develop they should control corruption, in covid-19 many countries face great losses so government should try to make rules by which people get safe and secure. If a country develops its economy so they can make their life’s better. Because in this year many countries face great loss. So, the best way is to develop a country is to grow their GDP rate. This will reduce of its unemployment rate. A country government should do trade with the other countries by manufacturing goods in factories so in this they need employees to do work and in this way unemployment will reduced. In America the unemployment rate is approximately natural rate of 5 % because the government provide opportunities of its people in this way a country can develop it’s GDP and standard of living better furthermore Corona Virus was greatly affecting education of all over the world. But some countries did not compromise their education. They give opportunities of their people for getting by online classes by implementing the slogan stay home stay safe moreover they should use technologies for better education in this situation therefore globalization helped a lot in these days. No matter what is the situation those who know about the value of education, they find the way to get education because it's important to grow and live a better life. So, government should follow these things so they can make their country better in any situation.


As you know Corona Virus is a very dangerous virus which was spread in all over the world in 2020. The whole world face great loses but some countries faced serious effects of Corona Virus. From all the countries in which one is South Africa. In South Africa in beginning, they started to get cases from 5 March and in 10 to 15 days the ratio was increased up to 61 percent. And suddenly the infection cases were increased up to 274 to 402. Then the government of South Africa took a strong action and they announced for a special lockdown in South Africa. The government took steps slowly to save people's life and to control that pandemic situation. The government of South Africa announced to banned on the transportation and also close all education system. So, there was a great loss of education as well as other areas in South Africa. The Covid-19 greatly effects South Africa's economy because there was no business and no trading because of Corona Virus. Now the question is how they manage this pandemic situation? The answer is they started to get help of technology. They started to check people with the help of equipment’s, by the equipment’s they could know about who is affected and who is not. In this way they started to give vaccine in the beginning of affection so the person will recover at time. Secondly, they did online business, they commonly use online business but, in that situation, they use online business more affectively. Thirdly they use online education systems to provide online classes for students by which their education not fall down. In covid-19 there is unemployment has increased very huge amount and it greatly effects people to survive. But in these circumstances South Africa worked hard and they tried their best to control it. In South Africa the virus positive ratio is 1.39 million and they recovered 1.2 million people and the deaths are 40,076. Corona Virus greatly effects countries economy. South Africa. Although South Africa is the fifth highest country where the cases of Corona Virus detected. In South Africa the unemployment ratio is also high and this effected greatly there GDP.


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