
Are Plastic Shopping Bags a Problem in Our Environment?

Plastic, and in particular single-use plastic shopping bags, are a major environmental concern. Most of the plastic that has been produced still persists, and yes, it is a problem that will outlive people for many centuries. History of  bag  Use:- Plastic  baggage   square measure   a comparatively  new item in grocery stores. They  weren't   created   till   the first   Sixties  and  weren't  in common use in grocery stores  till  1982 reports National Geographic.  the flexibility  of plastic  together  with its low  value  has resulted in its prolific use and over-consumption.  baggage  that  square measure  discarded  once   only one  use  became   a significant   surroundings  concern. Plastic Is  currently   all over:- The Guardian  reportable  a scientific study in 2016  that  has...

Rapid growing population in Pakistan

Pakistan has always been a small country with a rapid growing population, with its majority of population being Muslims since Pakistan is an Islamic state, created for the sole purpose of letting Muslims follow their religion, while the minority includes Hindus and christens. Its population exceeds over 200 million, which is a lot for a small state to handle, Pakistan does not have the necessary amount of resources to sustain such a large population and is suffering badly. The urban areas are managed to at least some extend but the people in rural areas are suffering badly, with lack of food water and shelter many people die due to mal nutrition, dehydration, diseases weather conditions and so on. Due the the mass majority of Pakistan the government can’t handle to provide for everyone causing a lack of jobs, the young men and women living in rural or underdeveloped regions come seeking for jobs in the big cities further over populating it. Because of some cultural believes and t...

Business Management

The journal of Business Management comprises of articles related to entrepreneurship, business management, organization management, transitions to entrepreneurship etc. Most of the articles in entrepreneurship share the knowledge how to become a good entrepreneur. The necessary aspects to an entrepreneur need to manage a team of persons for business development and organization growth. In business development how to increase the business by sales and marketing and in organization growth- to take the organization into public by different aspects. One such is advertising the organization through media, social networking etc. The Business Management articles will gives idea regarding the cash flow, inventory management, sales and marketing etc. Some of the articles comments on how to manage the family business, how to overcome financial crisis in recession, organizational performance, technology transfer in universities, social entrepreneurship etc. Articles on fina...


I remember reading an interview of Dustin Muscovite, the co-founder of Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg’s college roommate. The interviewer asked Dustin what it felt like to be part of Facebook’s “overnight success.” His answer was something like this, “If by ‘overnight success’ you mean staying up and coding all night, every night for six years straight, then it felt really tiring and stressful.” We have a propensity to assume things just happen as they are. As outside observers, we tend to only see the result of things and not the arduous process (and all of the failures) that went into producing the result. I think when we’re young, we have this idea that we have to do just this one big thing that is going to completely change the world, top to bottom. We dream so big because we don’t yet realize — we’re too young to realize — that those “one big things” are actually composed of hundreds and  thousands of daily small things  that must be silently and unceremoniously maintain...

Environmental issues in Pakistan

Environmental issues in  Pakistan  include  deforestation ,  air pollution ,  water pollution ,  noise pollution ,  climate change , pesticide misuse,  soil erosion ,  natural disasters  and  desertification . [1]  These are serious environmental problems that Pakistan is facing, and they are getting worse as the country's economy expands and the population grows. Little is being done to tackle these issues, because the goals of economic growth and tackling terrorism within the country supersede the goals of environmental preservation. Although NGOs and government departments have taken initiatives to stop environmental degradation, Pakistan's environmental issues still remain. Pollution:- The World Bank report in 2013 stated that Pakistan's top environmental issues include air pollution, inadequate supply of uncontaminated drinking water, noise pollution and the health deterioration of urban and rural populations due to...